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So you've seen all of those appealing listings on eBay for websites that promise a living from doing almost nothing. Now I've seen countless people buy these things and I dont know why. In real life Cheap Bernard King Shirt , if a person came up to you and promised everything like that you would naturally figure it to be a scam and not pay attention to it. So why don't people do the same on ebay? It's because these auctioners are crafty, they often times provide you with tables of potential sales and usually state things like "If you just make 5 sales a day, you'll earn $3900 a month!". This is what ropes most people in (and by most I mean inexperienced or first timers). Little do they know that getting 5 sales a day is a feat.
Unestablished Sites
Go ahead, go on ebay and search "website business", infact heres a link to the search if your too lazy:
Website business search on ebay. Now if you check out most auctions on that search I just linked to, you'll see that most do exactly the things I said Cheap Allan Houston Shirt , they'll include a "potential" profit table and not much else other than lines and lines of bragging about how their market is huge etc.(which is actually a bad thing, which I'll explain later).
Very few of those auctions will say how many visitors they currently get, or more importantly they wont state their conversion ratio. Sites that aren't currently getting any visitors or sales are called "unestablished" meaning that they aren't marketed at all, which means once your suckered into buying one of these sites, the sole burden of marketing (believe me, its a heavy one) will rest on your shoulders.
Before I go on Cheap Willis Reed Shirt , I must say one thing, most auctions now include the word "established" in their title just to attract people, often times this is not the case. These sites are NOT established, what they mean when they say "established" is that the site is merely set up, which doesn't really mean anything.
Cookie Cutters
Most "unestablished" sites I mentioned before that you will see on ebay are most likely "cookie cutters". What are cookie cutter websites? They are sites merely "generated" by someone slapping a different domain name on a template. That means they'll take a graphic image, stuff it with the same content and just slap on a different name for example one being which looks exactly the same as another one the seller is auctioning off like . Buying a cookie cutter site is a sureshot way of failing in the online business world (and its what most new people do).
Diluted Markets
One thing I mentioned before was sites bragging how huge their market is and how everyone else is doing what their website is doing. Now Cheap Phil Jackson Shirt , experienced webmasters know that this means stay away, why? Because if a thousand other people are selling what you are selling, the s Mens[/url] Wholesale Jordan Shoes 2018