How To Cure Acidity Pat Venditte World Baseball Classic Jersey , Heartburn And Burning Sensation In Chest Health Articles | October 27, 2011 Most of us often complain of acidity problem. It is a condition that arises when the acidic fluid (hydrochloric acid) produced by the gastric glands of the stomach exceeds the normal production.
Most of us often complain of acidity. Acidity is a condition that arises when the acidic fluid (hydrochloric acid) produced by the gastric glands of the stomach exceeds the normal production. Normally some amount of acid is secreted in our stomach to aid the digestion process. But when an imbalance occurs between the acid secreting mechanism of stomach and the protective mechanism, acid production goes beyond the normal level, giving rise to acidity. The condition is also known as Hyper-acidity and Heartburn. Acidity often leads to the reflux of acidic contents of the stomach. To explain further Orlando Oberto World Baseball Classic Jersey , the acidic contents leap upward in to the esophagus and make it dysfunctional. The leaping of acid up the esophagus leaves a sour; stale orange puree-like taste in the mouth. This creates much discomfort. The possible acidity triggers are:
1. Consumption of spicy food 2. Stress 3. Skipping meals 4. Alcohol intake 5. Smoking 6. Pregnancy 7. Obesity 8. Aging 9. Intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 10. Much exposure to sun or heat 11. Over-eating 12. Constipation 13. Menstruation 14. Food allergy
6. Stop drinking water immediately after meals. Give a gap of at least 20-25 minutes.
7. Do not eat sweets at the end of a meal, for it will generate acidity problem.
8. Maintain long intervals between meals.
9. Cut down on smoking and alcohol intake.
10. Eat chewing gum before meals. The saliva generated during chewing facilitates smooth movement of food through esophagus and minimizes symptoms of acidity or heartburn.
11. Do not lie down immediately after a meal, for it triggers acid production.
12. Exercise caution while doing heavy weight lifting jobs Marco Sabbatani World Baseball Classic Jersey , for they put pressure in the abdominal region and this may cause acidity or heartburn.
13. Manage your stress through yoga and meditation.
14. Drink glassful lukewarm water daily.
15. Try out home remedies like drinking of mint juice or glassful of tender coconut water, cold milk or buttermilk, juices of watermelon or cucumber or eating curd rice etc.
16. You can try herbal Arozyme capsules. It is a good cure for acidity or heartburn.
Research and Development to Discover Cost-effective Regenerative Medicines on the Rise Health Articles | July 16, 2017
Over the last decade Luis Lugo World Baseball Classic Jersey , the need to discover new applications and enhance the effect and efficiency of the current regenerative medicines has shown a significant growth. Researchers and scientists are turning their focus to manufacture cost-effective and effective drugs that could potentially help in the treatment of several medical conditions and diseases.
Regenerative medicines have gained immense popularity in the last decade. The progress and advancements in the medical field have propelled the growing popularity of the same. The ability to replace, repair and regenerate tissues and organs that are affected by a disease, injury or natural ageing has boosted the potential of regenerative medicines in the future. Regenerative medicines find applications in a wide range of physical disorders and biological problems such as dermatology, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases and other orthopedic applications. In the current scenario Jordan Romano World Baseball Classic Jersey , research and development is focused on the development of technologies that are solely based on biologics, somatic, genes and stem cells. Stem cells has received added importance in the industry as they are capable of proliferation. A recent report published by Allied Market Research offers useful insights related to the regenerative medicine market. It discusses the current trends, growth opportunities and the major challenges of the market in detail.
New regenerative medicine center funded by NIH
The recently developed interdisciplinary health science resource center of University of Michigan was awarded a sum of $11.7 million for the research and development activities of regenerative medicine. The project was funded by the National Institutes of Health. The new facility will help in bringing scientists John Andreoli World Baseball Classic Jersey , clinicians and engineers from the university in a collaboration with the research team at the University of Pittsburgh, Harvard University and a few private companies involved in the advancement of regenerative medicines. One of the major objectives of the project is to seek new methods to restore dental, oral and the craniofacial tissues that were lost or damaged in an injury, affected by a disease or congenital disorders. The research project also involves participants from the Medical School Gavin Cecchini World Baseball Classic Jersey , College of Pharmacy, School of Public Health, Office of Technology Transfer and M. Cheap Jerseys WholesaleWholesale JerseysWholesale Jerseys From ChinaCheap Replica Jerseys [url=]Cheap Jerseys