Love is the most beautiful and exciting thing in our lives. Knowing that your partner loves you just as you do is the happiest feeling on earth. No matter if you are a girl or boy Wholesale Shirts China , a romantic and passionate relationship is all we seek with our partners. For relationships to last forever, there needs to be a strong bond of love between couples. Many couples fall apart with time and the reason for this is that they are mostly not compatible. However, knowing how strong your love relationship is a tough task for most.
The good news is that now getting to know the strength of your relationship and love is as simple as anything. In these times of astounding technologies Wholesale Hats , love can also be assessed by means of great programs. One such great means to know your love is the Love Mater. As the name tells, Love Meter can tell you how strong our relationship is with your partner. Using this miraculous program you can find out as to how perfect you and your partner are for each other. Using this program is very simple as well as exciting. In order to know the strength of your love and relationship, all you have to do is to enter your full name in the first column and the full name of your dream partner in the second column. Then just click and you will get to know your compatibility in the meter right in front of you within seconds! A love met is also known as a Love O Meter or Love calculator.
A love meter is a best tool to check how compatible you and your partner with each other. Love meter scores your love on a scale of 1-100.
It often happens that you are stuck in a number of choices of partners and wonder as to whom to select for you long term relationship. In this regard as well Wholesale Hoddies , Love Meter is a great tool which can help you make a comparison between a number of dream partners and then base you decision upon the result you get for each.
Love Meter is an amazing entertainment tool which provides an insight in not your relationship in an exciting manner. It is a great source of fun and thrill regarding your relationships. Of course you cannot entirely go with the opinion of software; you need to use your brains as well yet it does provide you with some insight and general idea which is fun and thrilling for your relationships. Lover Mater can present you with surprising and shocking results sometimes which perk up the spice in your relationship. Give it a try and you will love to keep using it forever!
There are many Love Meter tools available which are used to measure the love percentage between two persons. They are used for fun and entertainment. With some research on internet you can find some great love calculators to check the love compatibility between you and your loved one. The mental dimension of performance has been receiving a lot of attention recently ? for all the wrong reasons. Statistics Canada recently reported that stress-related absences cost employers $3.5-billion annually, and that health costs for employees reporting high levels of stress are 50% above average . In another study, the Business And Economic Roundtable on Mental Health called depression at work 'the unheralded business crisis in Canada? Wholesale T-shirts , and noted that ?workplace stress is a factor in the onset of mental illness? . Given that mental health issues comprise 75% of short-term and 79% of long-term disability claims , the cost of neglecting employees? mental well-being is staggeringly high.
Clearly, the mental well-being of employees directly impacts the bottom line. And herein lies the opportunity.
Focusing on the development of employees? mental fitness skills is an untapped lever for growing the bottom line that is completely within the control of the organization. And Wholesale Shirts , it represents a tremendous opportunity that extends beyond reducing the negative impact of stress ? an opportunity to improve performance under pressure, increase employee engagement, and create an environment of trust that fosters productivity.
Improved Performance Under Pressure
The skills of mental fitness originate in the field of Sport Psychology ? a discipline dedicated to studying excellence under intense pressure. As the physical aspects of sport Wholesale Jerseys China Free Shipping , such as training regimens and nutrition, have become more standardized at the elite level, who wins and loses is increasingly determined by the mental fitness of the athlete. The situation in business is extremely similar. As the talent pool becomes increasingly skilled and better educated Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping , the true competitive advantage comes from having people who can access their skills and knowledge when it matters most ? when the pressure is on.
While it was once thought that mental fitness was something innate within an individual, our work with elite level sport has shown us that it can be taught, learned Wholesale Jerseys From China , practiced and mastered. It is a set of skills just like any other and is an essential complement to the technical skills any job requires.
Increased Employee Engagement
A recent Towers Perrin study of over 35,000 employees found that more than 60% of employees are only 'moderately? engaged and could easily slide to the wrong end of the engagement scale. The study concluded that strengthening the engagement of this group, whom they term 'the massive middle? Wholesale Jerseys China , may be 'the most critical task virtually every employer faces today?. The study also outlined the 10 major drivers of employee engagement, of which the number one driver was 'senior management's interest in employees? well-being.?
With 1 in 3 employees reporting high levels of stress , one of the most effective ways senior management can demonstrate interest in their employees? well-being is to take visible action to recognize and address the pressures they face through mental fitness training.